Tuesday, June 28, 2011


mmmmm dinner is salad comprised of, purple lettuce, romaine lettuce, cauliflower, red onion, olives, red and yellow sweet peppers, celery, avocado, black heritage tomato, shredded beet, kale/sunflower pesto, tahini dressing(from 'Raw Food Made Easy' by: Jennifer Cornbleet) recipe

Today I drank a lot of water. Feels like my weight is dropping again. Could be, maybe so.

I sampled a small dish of almond milk blended with young coconut meat and some vanila. The rest is in the freezer being frozen in ice cube tray chunks that will be easy to put through the champion juicer. This will be an attempt to make a version of ice cream other than frozen fruit. Before bed I enjoyed a snack of 2 large kiwi fruit, and chamomile tea then on to- g'night!


It is great to see my eating day in pictorial. Gives me a different perspective than viewing from my inner position moment to moment does.

First Food of the Day

No interest in food until 1:30 PM. The heavy metals throw off has been so intense I figured I was not drinking enough water and my fruit consumption had dropped, creating less dilution to aid drainage. The breakfast dish full consists of orange, kiwi, bosc pear, brazil nut pieces, grd. pecans, bee pollen. Topped with one of those tasty vanilla macaroons. 'I'll eat to that'!

I also figure I am not getting enough exercise lately which is easy to remedy. My energy is up, YES!