Another batch of veggie crackers finished. I love how they turn out with the colours green on one side, red on the other side. I snacked on some for breakfast with lemon juice.
3:16 PM Definitely ready for some rejuvelac and some cantaloupe.
4:21 PM Peach with a few pecans… a super combo!
5:01 PM a tall glass of lemon juice mixed with water. I was busy outdoors nurturing the plants. They have a lack of sun where the gardens sit and also a lack of heat to deal with. They are smiling this morning. I noticed how much they perked up last night already; they being basil, sweet pepper and tomato plants.
Supper was late, again, after 7:00 PM. This salad and some lasagna from yesterday was it. The lasagna had turned to tasting like vinegar. It contained no acid except tomato. The cheese made with rejuvelac was layered in the lasagna. The combination with the tomato must have been perfect to ferment overnight into vinegar. The cheese made with rejuvelac better suits my palate yet the seed/nut cheese made with probiotics was tasty in the lasagna and didn't ferment the dish into vinegar. Possibly Ann Wigmore has something to say about this matter; at least about the cheese made with rejuvelac. I have never read anything about her ever using probiotics for food fermentation.
A mango before bed. :)