Monday, August 15, 2011

Fresh 'hand pressed' Apple Juice

So-so hungry today; what I ate tasted really swell though.

Between 12:00 PM and 12:26 PM it was rejuvelac cut with veggie/fruit juice. (need a new juicer. It feels like I am killing my champion by using so much leafy greens and I love juicing them! I desire a greens juicer.)

Then rejuvelac cut with cantaloupe, blueberries and apple, blended. A sweet smoothie, no sweetener required.

The juice on the left; the fruit ready to be juiced on the right

Sunflower seeds soaked overnight then sprouted for a few hours. See the sprouted ends? That boosts the enzyme and energy content significantly.

Sprouted Sunflower seeds processed with soaked walnuts, lemon juice, garlic, coconut aminos, dulse powdered, a bit of water.

Tuna-ish salad using the walnuts and sunflower seeds as the base. Tomorrow's eats. Some prolly will be frozen for when the notion to eat more tuna-ish takes hold. Chopped red onion, chopped celery, kelp granules, parsley, more minced garlic.

4:30 PM a Bliss ball from Planet Organic(they carry a couple of raw Bliss Balls)

Linguine made from turnip, zucchini, sea vegetables, and beet

5:00 PM Linguine of turnip, zucchini and sea vegetables was mixed with sun dried tomato pesto, the beet linguine was tossed with sesame tahini dressing. Also on the plate is sunflower pate. I found the meal was filling and satisfying and very easy to enjoy!

the best apple juice I ever tasted!

This evening I made a carrot cake. The icing will be made with cashew cheese which is fermenting overnight. Btw, my garden plants were fed the last two batches of rejuvelac. For some reason both batches spoiled. I think I left two batches to ferment the first round too long. Rejuvelac does seem excessively tricky to prepare. Hopefully I will soon gain an intuitive rapport with it.

The apple juice I juiced by squeezing julienned apples. It is surprising how the juice, and so much of it, comes away easily. I used sprout bags and with my hands squeezed as hard as I can to get much of the juice from the julienned apples.

In the evening I felt like so peeled and ate a grapefruit. My weight is dropping, I guess. It certainly shows so in the fit of my clothing.

Grapefruit will help you cleanse and facilitate weight loss at the same time. Do not sweeten it. Enjoy eating grapefruit in the same manner you eat an orange, peel, section, eat.

Oh Boy! Raw Carrot Cake tomorrow. No sweetener used. Right now it smells like-- gimmee it, gimmee it!