Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Fine and Finer Day!

7:50 AM Rejuvelac and a slice of cherry pie. Healthy says raw pie even for breakfast!

one little slice at a time

There are enough cherries refrigerated here to make another large tart or many small ones. Perfect!

After Breakfast it was--
Off to another market, centre of town where I chatted awhile with a chap who lives half the year in India. Dare I excite the gypsy who resides within.

When Whales come to mind, and they did today, I have an overwhelming enticement to visit them.

3:00ish PM 'Matcha Tea' from Bliss Cafe. Matcha, reishi, honey(I forgot to ask them to leave the honey out. It is sweet enough for me without the honey, and I still LOVED it), almond milk… a couple of other ingredients and I forget what they are.
The tea was enjoyable on it's own and I was a tad hungry so bit by bit, taste pleasure by taste pleasure I devoured a Lemon 'Bliss Ball'.

4:00ish PM at home, a glass of Rejuvelac.

hmmm no memory of the approx. time supper happened. I do have a clear memory of what I ate!! :) Priorities are in place.
The Butternut Salad 'Mark Bittman' shared was sharing top star spot with the veggie wraps. Both made supper a moment by moment gratifying experience. Then, yet another piece of pie. Thou shalt not have two cherry pies in the freezer at once. One must be et up.

The 'Butternut Salad' by Mark Bittman

The 'Butternut Salad' with the wraps I mentioned earlier in the week
