Saturday, July 9, 2011

Keeping it Simple

Energy today is even better than yesterday! I love this improvement by the day. I like how I feel with rejuvelac as well. Gosh, rejuvelac provides a really gentle and strong force! That good old 'Force of Nature'. :)

1:59 AM Started my day with a dish of kiwi, peach and bee pollen. Most often I don't know what I will be eating until I go to the kitchen and start to prepare. And a lot of what I prepare is made up on the moment like this combo of fruit and bee pollen. Delicious!

I ate 3 walnut halves when I removed the tray from the dehydrator. So far I have been jotting down 'everything' I eat. I am not being guided by the voice that says, 'that's lame Deborah'!

11:39 AM An OH WOW drink. 1/2 a cantaloupe scooped out and blended with 1 cube of the coconut almond cream with a lacey sprinkling of desiccated coconut on top.

2:11 PM 1 large grapefruit, a few large walnut halves, a tbsp of bee pollen and a glass of lemon juice, rejuvelac and water mixed. I ate this on the back patio in the sun while I watched the many dragonflies zoom about. Wow they are giant size dragonflies. I love it when they fly really close over my head.

6:30 PM I ate a bosc pear with some sesame tahini while I prepared supper.

7:27 PM The salad which is comprised of purple Russian kale, black kale, romaine, tomato, celery, red onion, zucchini, avocado, cucumber, water cress, Himalayan salt, blk pepper, avocado oil, and whole shelled hemp seed. Par Excellent!!

Tonight it feels like I may have to slow this detox down a tad and have more veggies tomorrow than fruit so it might be a good day for veggie juice.

This evening I drank another glass of the lemon juice, rejuvelac and water combination.

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